How to Get the Most from Your Star Plus Inverter Battery
Inverters have become the most crucial part of everyday life. Ever thought of spending your holiday without power? If that is the case, how about spending a workday without power? Those would be a nightmare. The digital world has made us more reliant on power and its urbanity. The battery manufacturers in Nigeria have made reliable power easier to access and affordable. The next noteworthy subject is getting the most from your inverter battery. This article covers the key tips that are not commonly known. Please read the article to make the most of your money spent.
Maintenance tips for inverter batteries:
Proper maintenance:
Regular maintenance ensures the battery's
longevity, and it is always best to check the health of the battery when it is
fully charged. You should perform the examination when the battery is connected
for at least 10-15 hours for charging.
A healthy battery should have a voltage reading close to its maximum voltage rating; thus, checking the voltage reading is vital.
We often confront the wear and tear problem that
impacts the battery's life. Thus, it's good to inspect for any signs of wear and
tear, such as corrosion or damage to the terminals. If any potential issue is
found, you can decide it is time to replace the battery.
However, you must observe the battery's performance and see how long the battery holds its charge. If you find that it is not holding the charge as long as it should be, then probably, it's time to replace the battery.
Frequent checks on the battery's health help in
catching potential issues early and ensure performance optimally. If you are
all set to buy an inverter in Lagos, look for their post-installment
policies and how they assist with the maintenance and charges for the
maintenance services. Very few people pay attention to the maintenance of these
batteries. However, maintenance after their installment ensures the optimal
functioning of batteries and helps cut down operating costs over time.
Clean the battery terminals regularly:
Inverter batteries excrete lead sulfate during
their operation, and lead sulfate gets deposited on their terminals, which
reduces the electrical conductivity of the inverter. If the condition prolongs,
the battery becomes less efficient over time. Thus, the terminals have to be
cleaned properly with warm water and a nylon brush.
Check the acid level regularly:
Batteries have two major components, lead, and
acid. The float indicators of the battery depict the acid level inside the
batteries and ensure the proper functioning of the inverters. The color of the
acid also indicates the health of the inverter. If the acid comes out colorless
after opening the vent, it is a good indication.
Checking the acid level is crucial to maintain optimal performance, as the batteries rely on the acid to convert the stored energy to usable electric power. If the acid present in the batteries is not sufficient for the conversion or presents more than required, the batteries' ability to perform optimally is compromised.
A lower acid level means the lead plates are exposed to air, and that causes damage. Prolonged exposure to air leads the batteries to lose their capability to hold the charge or even fail.
Battery Companies in Nigeria offer detailed manual and post-installment customer service to ensure these factors are checked thoroughly. Therefore taking their assistance enables you to operate the inverter batteries optimally.
Power crisis in Nigeria getting worse:
A recent update about the country states that about
62% of the citizens, about 120 million people, lacked access to electricity!
Wikipedia states that about 55% of the Nigerian population experience power supply difficulties, whereas in some regions, the power supply is nearly non-existent. It also states that power supply problems have crippled agricultural, industrial, and mining sectors to a greater extent. The government could not utilize varied forms of energy due to the unavailability of oil in Nigeria and reliance on the expansion of the fossil fuel-burning sector.
On the other hand, the dependency on
hydroelectricity doesn't seem practical as well, as it is dependent on the
seasons for the required amount of water supply.
Furthermore, Nigeria is a tropical country, so it
receives a lot of insolation from the sun. Thus the government, through the
"Rural electrification project," is composed to supply solar systems
to about 5 million households.
Despite being one of the largest oil producers in the world, the country faces acute power shortages, frequent blackouts, and load shedding. Therefore experts consider Inverter batteries are reliable and affordable options to deliver power to all Nigerians.
Moreover, the inverter battery users must prioritize maintenance and clean for the extended and optimal performance of the inverter battery system.
Inverters are like any other electrical device; they are designed to use regularly. Regular usage helps prevent the majority of malfunctions and damage to the device. When the electrical connections between the batteries and inverters are intact, the electrical problems will be at bay, and the efficiency of the system is also enhanced. When you are all set to install an inverter battery to your requirement, follow these tips.
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